In previous years, we have enjoyed most civilised trackdays and it's my most sincere intention to see that this years days are just as good. To that end, I'd ask everyone to bear in mind that there's a lot of tracktime on offer and there really isn't any need for do-or-die maneuvers or any other form of aggressive riding. In fact; if I, or the other marshals/instructors, witness any such behaviour you'll be in for at least a rollocking and probably exclusion for part or all of the event. I have in the past and, probably, will in the future 'fine' people sessions for being a Knob Head.
If you should have an 'incident' with someone on the track (even if it's just a "closer than it should have been because of a misunderstanding" pass) then please be civilised enough to seek them out in the paddock, check that they're OK and say sorry.
If you're the one who's been sinned against then do seek me (Ruffle) out and tell me all about it... but do please try to remember some aspect of the sinners motorcycle and/or leathers; "A bloke in black leathers on a big bike cut me up" isn't much for me to work with :-(
If one of the instructors has a quiet word in your shell-like about your behaviour you should treat it as a friendly warning and not get all stroppy and start arguing the toss. If the instructor thinks you're not responding appropriately and brings the problem to me, the consequences are likely to be more severe than a 'quiet word'.
If I'm the sinner <nods in the direction of JayGee and Adam> then please don't feel shy about coming and telling me; I can give myself a rollocking, feel guilty and someone will stitch me up with the SQUID award :)
If anything more serious occurs, then I'll be wanting to speak to all the parties involved - so all should come and seek me out; don't make me walk round the paddock looking for you as that won't improve my demeanour.
Of course, that doesn't mean that we aren't all out there to have a damned good time and see just what we're capable of - but it does mean that we should be adult when coming across slower riders and expect equally mature behaviour when being overtaken by those faster than ourselves.
If you find that you're stuck behind someone who's mounted on a ballistic missile that destroys your machine on the straights but is much slower in the corners; then my advice is to throttle off a bit, drop back and make yourself some space in which to play.
If you are going to overtake someone in a corner, then it's probably more civilised to take a wide entry and overtake them on the inside line coming out of the bend rather than outbraking them into the corner and putting them off their line - but please don't overreach yourself and ram them or highside!
The reason for asking this is to give you the maximum tracktime. If the previous group's session is stopped they will have to leave the track and their session will not be restarted. If you're not ready to take to the track as soon as the incident is cleared then you'll lose out.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Towards the rear of the staging area, Cadwell have a number of workshops to which they require constant access during the day - please don't block this as I'll get rollocked by the circuit management and will pass it on with interest to the perpetrators. Likewise, make sure you don't put bikes or personal gear in front of the gates or in the access roads.
So don't clutter up the staging area and keep your possesions neat and tidy. Oh, and while on the subject of being neat and tidy - please don't leave litter (empty drinks bottles etc) lying around; find a bin and help Keep Cadwell Tidy; in 2002 I had to wander round picking up your litter and I don't have enough hair left to make a convincing womble :-(
I say again, take it easy on the first couple of laps and use them to get back into the groove. There's heaps of tracktime over the two days but if you crash on cold or unscrubbed rubber you'll lose far more tracktime than a couple of laps per session... Eh Richiemouse?
For your information, you will be waved away from the start line in two second, or thereabouts, intervals. This will keep people spaced around the circuit and avoid the 'herd thundering into the first bend' problem. Again; please be adult about it and don't buck the system - leave a two second gap between each pair.
Someone, I'll tell you in the briefing, will be coordinating the instruction. There will almost certainly be capacity for ad-hoc instruction on the day but to help us plan please indicate on the booking form if you will want instruction.
We're always trying to come up with some mechanism that improves the use of the instructors - if you've any ideas on the subject please let me know.
They'll have their beady eyes on you all the time you're out there and should there be an incident they will deal with it. Please don't stop on the circuit because you've seen your best mate run onto the grass. The professional's will deal with it and they don't want some plonker getting in the way.
IMPORTANT There is a quick response vehicle in use at Cadwell. Please be aware that in the event of an incident it may be called onto the circuit and you should keep well out of its way. In the event of a red flag, Keep to the right hand side of the track and do the full shoulder check thing before the corners as you don't want the emergency vehicles clobbering you.
Remember: Red Flag - Keep Right
So that the marshals can control things they are equipped with flags and big flashy trackside lights. You should be aware of their meaning:-
Be aware that the reason for the session being stopped is probably a crashed bike somewhere on the circuit - expect the track to be completely blocked by wreckage or occupied by the ambulance. Again, I would remind you that the quick response vehicle may be called out and you should keep to the right hand side of the track and keep an eye out behind you with the full IAM shoulder check thang.
A Yellow flag/light means that there is something different on the circuit
ahead of you and
you should take extra care; for example, a rider may have gone off the circuit and is
waiting to rejoin. Be aware that there may be something, large or small, on the
track itself and you may have to take avoiding action.
If you see either a static or waved yellow flag then again SLOW DOWN
and be careful. If you're being shown a yellow flag/light then
you must not overtake anyone until you are clear of the yellows.
The Black Flag (no black lights are used AFAIK) will be displayed by the Cadwell Marshal at the circuit
entry point. He'll hold out the black flag and point at you.
If you've been shown a black flag then the Cadwell Marshals feel that you've either been a very bad boy or have something wrong with your bike or gear (helmet strap undone is a favorite). Whichever, the procedure is to raise your hand to acknowledge the flag and show other riders that you're slowing down then go slowly (you could have something wrong with your bike) through Hall Bends and pull off the circuit into the slip road on the left hand side of OLD HAIRPIN where a Cadwell Marshal will tell you what the problem is.
You might see a furled (rolled up) black flag being pointed at someone. This is used as an indicator to someone (an instructor or one of the organisers) to pull off the track cos we need them elsewhere or the circuit is over capacity.
A green flag/light means that the circuit is open and all is well. You'll normally
see this at the end of your first lap displayed by the marshal in the
bunker at the hairpin. Sometimes you'll see a marshal display this after
previously displaying a yellow or by the marshal post after a series of
yellows - the meaning is the same though; the circuit ahead is clear.
The chequered flag is now shown at the bottom of Manfield (the left hander
after the Gooseneck). This is a Good Thing as the circuit can be cleared
Anyway, the chequered flag means your session is over. Raise your hand, nod or wave to show the marshal that you've seen the chequered flag, SLOW DOWN and leave the circuit at the bottom of the mountain, return to the paddock and brag about your exploits till it's your turn again. Please don't be a prat and try to sneak another lap.
If you are uncomfortable raising a hand; stick a leg out. It's not as good as raising your hand but a million times better then nothing.
The travelling marshals/instructors might use a couple of signals to you.
There we go - a few simple rules and signals; all there for your
protection and to make sure you enjoy the day.