Kinelle!!! It's the 28th year of Ixion@Cadwell

Cadwell will once more see the massed ranks of Ixies and their friends assemble to spit in the face of the Greta & Global Recession, dare the Weather Gods to do their worst and gratuitously squander the World's hydrocarbon reserves by riding their motorcycles round and round the circuit.

In the ages old traditions of the event, new faces will be put to email addresses, acquaintances will be renewed, old chums remembered, hands shaken, bikes looked at, bikes fixed, urine extracted, beer consumed, gizago promises fulfilled, intersession bull dispensed and those much loved, even on the fourteenth telling, trackday excuses regurgitated.

Ho Yes Indeed, Ixion@Cadwell.XXVIII will be the usual fantasmagorical two day funfest of first class friendship, frolicks, food and all the other bits that make Ixion@Cadwell just so good but don't begin with an 'f'.

How can you even contemplate not being there ?

Friday Night Gathering is on

I'm very pleased to say that Sharon at the Kings Head in Louth will once again be turning over the entire upstairs bar and seating area to us on the Friday Evening.

So why rush off home after all the fun; extend the event and come along the the Kings Head for the booze'n'buffet evening. It's the social event of the year.

Please book your Meal Ticket as normal on the booking system.

Special note on Back Protectors

After many years of strongly suggesting back protectors should be used, from 2022 onwards MSV are mandating back protectors for everyone.

You MUST HAVE AND WEAR A BACK PROTECTOR whilst on-circuit. No exceptions and Cadwell will be checking in the assembly area.

Special note on Brake Guards

From 2021, MSV mandated that brake lever guards must be fitted to all bikes used on their circuits for trackdays. However, as we're 'special' and bring all sorts of bikes some of which (did someone just say Ner-a-car?) do not lend themselves to having such devices fitted, we have been granted an exemption for Ixion@Cadwell.

So while you don't have to fit a brake lever guard, MSV and the Cabal do recommend them.

These pages should tell you all you need to know about the event; if they don't then please tell me (Ruffle) what's missing. I most strongly suggest that you read all of the pages - especially the ones on times, clothing and Safety Check (previously known as scrutineering and which includes useful stuff on the noise testing regime), to avoid turning up on the day and finding that your gear isn't up to scratch, your bike is too noisey, you've missed signing on or you've forgotten something important.

As in previous years, we will run a no-extra-charge evening two-group session on the Thursday just so that you really can have your fill of tracktime; and all for the total price of £252. FWIW, two days and an evening would cost over £337 with MSV or No Limits so that's ~25% cheaper and they don't give you a commemorative T-Shirt which is bound to be worth thousands[1] on the open market.

[1] - of Iranian Rials

Camping Charge Change:

Campers please note: It's now FREE... well sort of.

From 2016, MSV have had a change of heart and no longer want to chase everyone in a tent for a tenner. Instead they have added a £75 charge on top of the trackhire fee to cover all the camping.

This means that those of us with the sense to stay in Hotels and B&Bs are subsidising you tightwad campers :-)

Bike Mounted Cameras:

If you're planning on using a camera to film from your bike (for personal use only) please be aware that MSV, the circuit owners, have said that they won't allow any helmet or body mounted cameras and if you're using a bike mounted camera then it's a) got to be bolted on (suckers just won't do) and b) not tank mounted (presumably so it doesn't remove blokes dangley bits should they 'get it all wrong').

If not being able to use your on-bike camera will make you sob'n'cry'n'sniffle then I suggest contacting Cadwell Park circuit directly to confirm that your kit is acceptable.

Driving Licence: While it's still important to bring your driving licence with you, if you should happen to forget it then it should be possible to get the circuit management to ring DVLA and get confirmation of your licence details (unless the rules get changed again).

Cadwell do make a charge for this (£10 AFAIR) a portion of which gets donated to the Air Ambulance fund.

Of course, phoning DVLA and doing all the paperwork will take a while and you will lose track time as a consequence. So, please take every effort to remember your licence but don't abandon all hope if you have mislaid it or wreck your entire house searching for it <waves: Hi Katrina>.

MSV rules say that your licence must be a full (not provisional or otherwise restricted) UK Motorcycle Road Licence (or foreign equivalent) or an ACU Road Race Licence. Foreign road/race licences are OK but you'll need to contact MSV prior to the event to check and get prior approval for non-UK licences.

For clarity; full licence means just that (category 'A' in modern parlance I believe). MSV have refused people with an A2 licence (whatever that is).

Stuff you Should Read
When and Where? Safety Checks Clothing
Track Craft
Accomodation Organisers

Sorry, that's it for this year. Booking is closed. Ixion will be going back to Cadwell next year though so stay in touch.

The booking is controlled by the most excellent Mallard Booking System; written and maintained by Adam Curtin and Robin Szemeti to whom I owe a great deal of thanks.

Group Names

In the now long standing tradition of Ixion@Cadwell Trackdays, the groups are named Tiggers, Piglets and Eeyores - much more descriptive than the normal Fast, Medium and Slow that other trackdays use :-)

For the Thursday evening session (which won't be costing you a penny extra) the two groups will be Tiglets and Pigores - you can probably work out why ;-)

For anyone not familiar with the attributes of each group, the following explanations may, or may not, be helpful.
Eeyores (Slowest Group) - Pleasant, Convivial, Relaxed folk who enjoy a nice ride in the Lincolnshire countryside whilst admiring the well maintained shrubberies surrounding the circuit. Often heard to say 'No, after you' on the approach to corners. Eeyores have no known predators - their survival rate and longevity being legendary.
Piglets (Medium Group) - have occasionally been known to be overcome by a pink mist. Not very interested in the Shrubbery surrounding the circuit... until hard on the brakes into Hall Bends; when the attraction of playing to the gallery can overcome their normal sensibilities and their sudden but consuming interest in the grassy patches can be fully appreciated. Piglets main predator is schizophrenia - they don't know if they're Piglets because they're too fast to be Eeyores or too slow to be Tiggers. Piglets are easily confused.
Tiggers Fast Group - Bouncy and full of fun. Tiggers are intimately familiar with the Shubbery at most race circuits; indeed they have an almost sexual attraction towards grass, trees and bushes - especially when the aforementioned vegetation is clad in an alluring layer of rubber (in the form of old tyres). Tiggers are often seen playing in sandpits or adjusting their gloves to avoid unanticipated bunching. The major predator of Tiggers is a small blue planet that occasionally collides with them.

Right: If you've made it right the way down here, then I suggest you go back to the stuff you should read and read it. G'wan... do it.... now!
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